Category Archives: Gun Crimes

Analyzing 2 Types Of Machine Gun Crimes In Maryland
Maryland imposes many restrictions on the possession and use of machine guns. The definition of a machine gun under Maryland Code of Criminal Law Section 4-401 can refer to any loaded or unloaded weapon that utilizes a magazine for ammunition. But such a weapon must be able to discharge more than one bullet automatically… Read More »

Surveying Gun Crimes In Maryland Involving Handguns
The Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution grants the right to bear arms. But the Maryland Criminal Code imposes certain restrictions on that constitutional right, including laws against carrying or transporting handguns in specific situations. Any person who violates these laws can face severe criminal penalties under Maryland law. Maryland Definition of Handguns The… Read More »

Is It A Gun Crime To Possess An Assault Weapon In Maryland?
Within the arena of gun crimes in Maryland, there are special provisions in place to address assault weapons. From a general standpoint, assault weapons tend to have large magazines and the ability to fire quickly, whether in semiautomatic or automatic fashion. These weapons were likely designed for combat and, thus, are extremely deadly. As… Read More »