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What Are The Different Types Of Child Visitation Or Access Agreements In Maryland?


Within the state of Maryland, there are four different types of child visitation agreements. By being aware of these agreements, it’s easier to determine which one is right for a particular couple. 

What Is A Child Visitation or Access Agreement? 

Child visitation (now more frequently referred to as “access”) is a term that refers to the rights of a noncustodial parent, with regards to visiting and spending time with their children.

Visitation or access rights are the limitations and restrictions that exist within a child visitation or access agreement. Some parents, for example, are unable to visit with their children, while others can do so at any time.

A child visitation or access agreement is an agreement that specifies the amount of time a noncustodial parent can spend with their children. To go along with that, a child visitation or access agreement also specifies the conditions that must be present, when the noncustodial parent is visiting with their child.

What Are The Different Types Of Child Visitation Agreements In Maryland? 

Within the state of Maryland, there are four different child visitation agreements. Each one of these agreements offers its own unique conditions and is established for a unique set of reasons.

No Visitation 

Even though it is rare, some parents are ordered, by the court, to not visit their children. A parent who is given no visitation or access rights will be unable to visit their children or spend any time with them.

Supervised Visitation 

Supervised visitation is a child visitation agreement that allows a noncustodial parent to visit their children at a specified time and place, while being supervised by a third party.

Some of the circumstances in which a supervised visitation is commonly invoked are as follows:

  • When the noncustodial parent has a serious criminal history.
  • When the noncustodial parent is in rehab or recently was.
  • When the noncustodial parent is mentally unstable.

Each one of these circumstances can lead to a supervised visitation agreement.

Fixed Visitation 

A fixed visitation agreement is an agreement that consists of the following:

  • A detailed schedule that specifies the days each parent will be able to visit their children.
  • A detailed overview of the exact times, within those days, each parent can visit their children.

Just as an example, a fixed visitation agreement may allow a noncustodial parent to spend every Monday and Tuesday night with their children, but no other days outside of that. 

Flexible Visitation 

A flexible visitation agreement is an agreement that allows both parents to maintain an active presence in the lives of their children.  In those situations, the parties mutually agree on the access that each parent has with the children.

Some examples of what a reasonable visitation agreement allows for are as follows:

  • Both parents can create their own schedule, regarding child visitation.
  • Both parents can set the locations for these visits.
  • Both parents can spend as much time with their children as they want, assuming the other parent agrees.

For couples who are still on good terms with one another, reasonable visitation is an ideal agreement.

Do You Need Legal Help? 

Your relationship with your children is, in large part, dependent on the child visitation agreement that you and your former spouse have developed. By speaking with our Bel Air child visitation lawyers at Schlaich & Thompson Chartered today, you can obtain a child visitation agreement that is right for you and your children.




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