Former Maryland High School Worker Convicted Of Sex Crime Against Student

A former Safety and Security Assistant at a Maryland high school was recently convicted of a sex crime against a minor student who attended the school. He will have to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life under Maryland’s rules regarding sex offenses. The 22-year-old defendant was convicted of sexual abuse of a minor following a 2-day bench trial. The defendant faces a maximum of 25 years behind bars for the abuse. In this article, the Maryland criminal attorneys at Schlaich & Thompson will discuss child sex abuse charges under Maryland law.
Sexual abuse of a minor charges in Maryland
- 3-602 of the Maryland criminal code defines the crime of sexually abusing a minor. Under Maryland law, courts will consider any illicit or offensive touching of a minor to be child molestation. This crime is commonly associated with sex crimes involving minors. Child molestation is often interchanged with child sexual abuse charges.
Child sexual abuse specifically refers to any instance in which an individual has custody or temporary custody of a child. This includes parents and teachers or any household family member. In the case mentioned above, the high school security officer was tasked with overseeing the wellbeing of the children. In other words, he had a form of custody over the children when he unlawfully lured a student into a sexual situation.
Penalties for sexual abuse of a minor in Maryland
Convictions for various forms of child sex abuse vary depending on the nature of the crime and who it is committed against. Under Maryland law, an offender may be charged with child molestation, child enticement, or child sexual abuse.
Those convicted of child molestation face a sentence of a year or more in prison and registration as a sex offender for at least 10 years.
Those convicted of child enticement face a felony offense with a maximum sentence of 25 years behind bars. The conviction may result in the offender registering as a sex offender for the rest of their lives. Child enticement involves situations where an offender attempts to lure a child to an area for the purpose of sexual gratification. This includes internet sex crimes and stalking.
Child sexual abuse involves the molestation of a child by one who has authority over them. This includes parents, teachers, or others in a position of power over the child. Those who are convicted of statutory rape face a minimum sentence of 15 years in prison with no possibility of parole. They will also have to register as sex offenders.
Talk to a Maryland Sex Crimes Attorney Today
Schlaich & Thompson, Chartered represent the interests of those charged with sex crimes in the state of Maryland. Call our office today to schedule an appointment and we can begin preparing your defense to these charges immediately.